Categoria: 2020

On 17 May, Christian communities in Piacenza, Parma and Reggio Emilia (Italy) will meet online for a vigil on the IDAHOBIT 2020

. In future, we might look back on the timing of this year’s IDAHOBIT vigils with pain, because of the pandemic, and the associated suffering, deaths, sacrifice of first-line workers, and terrible effects on the economy and the workplace, as well as the great pain of those people – young and old – called to isolate, and finally the suspension...

Italy IDAHOBIT 2020. Will you pray with us for the overcoming of homophobia, transphobia and all types of discrimination?

Even this year, as in the past years since 2007, we will be organising a series of prayer vigils and worship services in Christian communities in different cities to remember the victims of homophobia and transphobia. These prayer meetings are to be held on the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) observed annually on...

Espana. Vigilia de Oracion por un mondo sin LGBT-fobia 2020

Crismhom (Espana) continúa sus actividades en esta semana tan especial que iniciamos, en la que nos vamos a centrar especialmente en pedir a nuestro Dios un mundo sin LGTBIfobia. Os animamos a participar con esta pequeña familia en esa intención que hará de nuestra casa común un lugar mucho mejor!!! Por ello, las actividades de esta semana a las que...

Italy IDAHOBIT 2020. Will you pray with us for the overcoming of homophobia, transphobia and all types of discrimination?

Even this year, as in the past years since 2007, we will be organising a series of prayer vigils and worship services in Christian communities in different cities to remember the victims of homophobia and transphobia. These prayer meetings are to be held on the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) observed annually on 17th May. The organisation...

A Palermo veglieremo online “perchè voi tutti siete uno in Cristo Gesù”

“Non c’è qui né Giudeo né Greco, non c’è né schiavo né libero, non c’è né maschio né femmina, perché voi tutti siete uno in Cristo Gesù” è il passo di Galati 3,28 che guiderà la Veglia Ecumenica per il Superamento dell’Omotransfobia del 2020. Per il 14° anno consecutivo, cristiani di diversa confessione si riuniscono per ricordare le vittime di...

13 maggio 2020 incontro biblico online con Elisabeth Green su “voi tutti siete uno in Cristo Gesù” (Galati 3, 28)

Continuano gli incontri online “Sperare contro ogni speranza”(Rm 4,18), nel deserto del coronavirus, curati dalla Tenda di Gionata. Mercoledì 13 maggio 2020, ore 20.50, incontro biblico online con la pastora e teologa battista Elisabeth Green sul versetto «Non c’è qui né Giudeo né Greco; non c’è né schiavo né libero; non c’è né maschio né femmina; perché voi tutti siete...