Category: English

In The Week Before This Year's International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia (Idahot) On May 17th, numberus prayer vigils in Remembrance of Victims of homotransphobia Will Once Again Be Held in Several Italian Cities, As Well As in Various Other Countries in Europe and South America. Info


The biblical verse> Be Strong and Take Heart, and have no fear of them: for it is the lord your god living is going with you; He Will Not Take Away His Help From You (Deuteronomy 31: 6)

LGBT+ Catholics in A Synodal Church

This Text by Fr. Timothy Radcliffe OP WAS PRESENTED AT THE LGBT+ CATHOLICS IN A SYNODAL CHRCH: VOICES FROM A Journey Conference, Held On 25 May 2024, as part of the 25th Anniversary Celebration of LGBT+ Catholics Westminster I SO SMRY THAT I CANNOT BE WITH WITHO YOU TODAY. I Have Such Happy Memories of the Time When I was ...

"Crossing a River by Stepping on Stones". Being an lgbtq+ catholic in china

Dialogue Between Alessandro Previti and Eros Shaw, A Young Gay Chinese Catholic, Carried Out Within The Framework of the Cornerstone Project* Eros Shaw is a Young Lgbtq+ Catholic in China, WHER HE OBTAINED A Master's Degree in Theology. In The Book Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics' Tales (Published by Sird, 2022), he shares his journey as a ...

Project Cornerstone: supplementary training for the inclusion of lgbt+ christians

The Cornerstone Project for All of 2025 Aims To Gather and Share several testimonies and reflections on the inclusion of LGBT+ Christians and Their Families Within Our Christian Communities (Both Catholic and Evangelical). What are the challenges, opportunities, and practical ways to make this inclusion a reality show? What issues does it raise, and what possibility does it open up? Can ...

Why has it been so difference for the catholic church to reach out to lgbtq people?

Text by James Martin* SJ Taken From Recognition of LGBTIQ+ Persons in the Church, Booklets, No.185, Cristianisme I Justícia, Barcelona, ​​September 2022, pp. 2-5. Why has it been so difference for the catholic church to reach out to lgbtq people? Why Does the church lag so Far Bent Secular Organizations, and Even Other Churches, Who Have Made This Community Feel ...

Vote for bible verse that will be united prayer vigils to overcome homophobia 2025

Online vote for the bible verse that will guide the prayer vigils and sunday services in May 2025, dedicated to overcoming the Violence of homotransbiphobia and all forms of discrimination. Since 2007, Believers from Various Denominations - Waldensians, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, and Many Others - Have as Together in May to Pray Alongside LGBT+ Christians and Their Families, Breaking The ...