Christians should denounce anti-trans laws, don't write them
Text by Adam Russell Taylor*, published on Sojourners** (United States) on June 1, 2023. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project.
The first time I met the reality of trans people was when I was 14 years old. I was traveling with my family in Asia and one of the last places where we were was Thailand. My parents had heard of the shows of very famous drag people in that country and decided to bring us to see one. At that age I didn't know much about the drag world, nor of transgender people. I just knew that show had fascinated me.
Over time I realized that the people who performed were not only artists, but some of them were transgender women, what in Thailand are called Kathey. Today I often hear that these shows would be dangerous for children, who would expose them to who knows what negative influences.
But if I think back to that experience, everything I remember is the energy, beauty and talent of those people. There was nothing inconvenient or traumatizing. Indeed, it was a moment that opened my eyes on a world that I didn't know until then.
Only years later I started realizing how much transgender people are target of unjust laws, laws who try to erase them or prevent them from living their identity. In the United States, where I live, in recent years there has been an escalation of laws that affect young trans particular.
There is talk of prohibitions in the sporting participation, of restrictions on medical care, of real attacks on their dignity. For politicians who support these laws, they are only strategic moves to gain consent, but for those who suffer them it is about surviving. And often, behind these laws, there are people who call themselves Christian.
I can't say I have always been a supporter of transgender people. After that show in Thailand, for a long time I no longer thought about this theme. Then, in the early 2000s, I found myself working in the movement against HIV/AIDS.
During an international conference in Durban, South Africa, I met trans activists who fought for the right to treatments and for the recognition of their dignity. I remember having tried some discomfort. But then I listened to their stories, their struggles, and something in me started to change.
As a Cristiano, I have always believed in the importance of justice and love for others. Yet, for a long time, I did not understand that this love had to also include transgender people. I had to question some of my beliefs, to disassemble my prejudices, to see what it now seems obvious to me: transgender people are part of the same humanity that I am also part of. They are sons and daughters of God, just like me.
Still, many of the laws that today try to erase them are justified using the Bible and the Christian faith. Some religious groups, such as Alliance Defenseing Freedom and Family Research Council, invest millions to push anti-Lgbtq+policies.
Shepherds and Christian leaders justify these laws citing verses out of context, speaking of natural and moral order. There are even those who propose laws that criminalize medical assistance for trans people, claiming that it is a shame to allow them to live their identity.
But the Bible is not a weapon to use against those who are different. I cannot accept that the name of Jesus is used to justify oppression and suffering. As Serene Jones, president of the Union Theological Seminary wrote, "When we look for a guide in the Bible, we must look at his general lessons: to love others, treat others with respect, show compassion."
I know that not all Christians agree on gender and sexual issues. But we should be united on one thing: every human being has dignity and deserves to be respected. Young transgender have the right to exist, to receive care, to be called with their real name. We cannot deny them these rights just because we do not fully understand their reality.
Fortunately, there are more and more Christians who are taking position. In many cities in the United States, from Louisville to Pasadena, interreligious groups are mobilizing to protect the rights of transgender people. It is not easy to go against the current, but that's what we are called to do as Christians. Because following Christ means being on the side of the last, of those who are oppressed, of those who risk being canceled.
Looking back, I realize that my path was a transformation journey. I went from being a simple spectator to a supporter. I had to change my way of seeing the world, and above all, my way of living the Gospel.
If my path taught me something, it is that you cannot remain neutral in the face of injustice. If we are Christians, we have to raise the voice to defend the dignity of all people, including those transgender.
* Adam Russell Taylor is president of Sojourrs, a Christian organization that deals with social justice. He has worked for a long time in the political field and activist, with particular attention to human rights and the fight against inequalities.
** Sojourners It is an American Christian organization that promotes social justice and human rights through activism and communication. Founded in the 70s, it claims a Christianity based on the inclusion, solidarity and defense of the most vulnerable. Publish a magazine and a website on topics such as poverty, racism, LGBTQ+ rights and immigration.
Original text: Christians Should Denounce Anti-Trans Laws, Not Write Them