This verse of the Gospel reminds us that what is "discarded" can become the foundation for something extraordinary. Saturday 5 April 2025, from 10 to 18 in Florence, in the theater of the parish of Santa Maria al Pignone, in via Felice Cavallotti 11, corner stones will be held, a day of comparison of the Cornerstone project coordinated by La Tenda di Gionata.
Corner stones is an opportunity to reflect and discuss to build more inclusive Christian communities, so that they are "more and more sanctuaries of reception and support towards each person affected by discrimination ".
Why participate?
Because it is an opportunity to contribute to the construction of more open and welcoming communities through:
• l 'I LISTEN of testimonies that speak of faith, welcome and courage, showing the inclusion paths already undertaken and possible.
• il COMPARISON mutual to find out how the theology and study of the Bible and a "open language"They can help overcome prejudices and make our Christian communities more inclusive.
8 workshops for a more voices reflection
The day will be open, at 10 am, by an introductory intervention of Chiara D'Urbano, psychologist, psychotherapist and consultation of the dicastery for the clergy, will be proposed to follow eight workshops (four simultaneously from 11 to 13 and four from 16 to 18) led by several speakers who will try to offer reflections and experiences to multiple voices:
Morning, 11-13
1. "Plural forms of families and love relationships in theological reflection"With Letizia Tomassone, Valdese pastora and author of essays on theology and genre.
2. "Children of a minor God? What paths with transgender people?"With Andrea Conocchia, parish priest, e Luciano Moia, journalist and author of "Children of a minor God? Transgender people and their dignity"(Saint Paul, 2022) with which we will explore the human challenges and the inclusion questions that transgender people ask our Christian communities.
3. "Eros in Sacred Scripture"With Roberto Massaro, moral theologian and professor, who will deepen the meaning of Eros in the Bible trying to put new ideas in light for a renewal of sexual ethics.
4. "To impose with responsibility: "Lord you gave me five talents, here are five more (Mt. 25, 14-30)" with Pino Piva, Jesuit engaged in pastoral care with Christians LGBT+ and their parents and author of the book "Dignity and responsibility: a path of spiritual liberation for all"(The pilgrim, 2024)
13-14.30, Aperipranzo In the theater premises and open only to the participants, a contribution of 15 euros.
Afternoon, 16-18
5. "A spiral path: in the footsteps of diversity"With Elizabeth E. Green, pastora Battista theologian and author of numerous essays including "A spiral path. Feminist theology: the last decade"(Claudiana, 2020), with whom we will reflect on the contribution of diversity on the path of our Christian communities.
6. "Inclusive language. The names of the human rainbow"With Real gheno, socio-linguist and author of "Call me like this: normality, diversity and all words in the middle" (The margin, 2023); To discuss a conscious use of language in an inclusive key.
7. "Walking with responsibility: the experience of Queer Christians in the service of the Church"By the LGBT+ Young Christian Project with the group Kairos Young Christians Queer of Florence
8. “Build Inclusive Catholic pastorals: experiences in progress" with the managers of the In progress pastoral initiatives in diocese of Bologna, Chiavari and Florence.