Webinar inside


For full citizenship in the Church


With Elisa Belotti, Paola Lazzarini, Sandra Letizia
Podcast authors: "Cristianə to whom? For a feminist and queer Christianity "

Special guest: Daniela Di Carlo
Pastora Valdese and coordinator of the National Commission 'Faith, genre and sexuality of the BMV churches


What we talked about:

• ⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠chiesa: institution or people of God
• ⁠ ⁠ inside/out. Who decides?
• ⁠ for full citizenship in the Church
• ⁠ The Church is not only for Catholics.
• ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠
⁠ Change, stay, survive the time

The webinar was held on Tuesday 11 March at 20:30


"Cristianə to whom"It is a podcast that explores the relationship between faith, feminism and queer issues, asking itself as a space for dialogue and critical reflection on spiritual and community experiences. Conducted by Elisa Belotti, Paola Lazzarini and Sandra Letizia, Podcast faces the intersections between Christianity, feminist theology and inclusion of diversity, offering perspectives that question traditions, genre roles and ecclesial structures.

Through conversations and insights, "Cristianö to whom?" It confronts experiences of faith lived in an unconventional way, investigates the relationship between religion and identity, and dialogues with exponents of different spiritual traditions. The project aims to redefine the sense of religious belonging, opening spaces for a Christianity that recognizes and welcomes the plurality of the voices.

The podcast is available on different platforms, which you can listen by clicking on the logos at the bottom: