Cornerstone Project

For the inclusion of LGBT+ Christians and their families in churches

CORNERSTONES is the blog ofCornerstone Project, coordinated byLa Tenda di Gionata, which aims to collect and offer testimonies and reflections from many voices on the welcome of LGBT+ Christians and their families in our Christian communities (Catholic and Evangelical). What are the challenges, possibilities and ways in which it can be achieved? What problems does it pose and what possibilities does it open up? How theology and the study of the Bible can help us create cornerstones with which to build more inclusive Christian communities, so that “The stone that the builders rejected"become“corner head” (Luke 20:17-18)

  • LGBT+ Catholics in a synodal church

    Text by P. Timothy Radcliffe ops at the LGBT+ Catholics conference in a Synot Church: Voices From a Journey (Catholics LGBT+ in a synodal church: voices from a journey) on May 25, 2024, as part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Pastoral Group LGBT+ Catholics Westminster (London, London. Britain). I'm deeply sorry I can't be with ...

  • Video> Inside Out! Who decides who is inside/out in the church?

    Il webinar “Dentro/Fuori”, organizzato dalla Tenda di Gionata nell’ambito del progetto internazionale Cornerstone, ha esplorato il senso di appartenenza alla Chiesa per le persone credenti LGBTQ+ e per chi, all’interno delle comunità cristiane, sente il bisogno di una maggiore inclusività. L’incontro ha riunito voci diverse per riflettere su temi di fede, identità e cambiamento all’interno…

  • 11 March 2025 Webinar “In or outside! Which Church excludes and what welcomes? "

    Who decides who is inside and who remains outside? And above all: is there really a "outside"? When it comes to ecclesial belonging, deep tensions emerge. Is the Church an institution with rigid rules or is it the people of God on the way? For some it is both, for others one excludes the other. And above all, what does it mean to be inside? Accept without ...

  • God beyond of the genre: reread the Torah from a transgender perspective

    Text by Joy Ladin* taken from his book "The Soul of the Stranger: Reading God and Torah from a transgender perspective" (the soul of the foreigner. Reading God and the Torah from a transgender perspective), ed. Brandeis University Press (United States), 2018. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project, religious traditions based on Torah tend to ...

  • On the way in the diocese of Padua for an inclusive church with Christians LGBT+ and their family members

    Reflections by Lucia Valentini of the Parents Group of Lgbtqia+people from Padua between February 28 and March 2, 2025, the third edition of an appointment organized by the Emmanuele groups (LGBT adults), the almonds (young LGBTQIA+) and parents of people LGBTQIA+took place in Padua. The three groups, in synergy, have conceived and ...

  • Is it time for the Adventist Church to welcome LGBTQ+people?

    Open letter from the Adventist Organization LGBTQ+ KINSHIP DA-CH* sent to the managers of the Adventist Church of the seventh day of German language on October 4, 2024, part before. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project on October 4, 2024, the Adventist Organization LGBTQ+ KINSHIP DA-CH present in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, participating in Sevenh-Day Adventist Kinship International, sent ...