Catholics LGBT+ A Hong Kong. If we talk, will we be listened to in the Catholic Church?
Reflections by Yip Lai Shan*, published in the book "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics' Tales" (Blessed are those who cry: Tales of Catholics Chinese Tongzi) edited by Eros Shaw, Mark Larrimore and Michael Clifton, Sird publisher (Malaysia), 2022, pp.265-280. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project writing these reflections is not easy for me, because ...
"Cross a river walking on the stones." Be LGBT+ Catholics in China
Dialogue by Alessandro Previti with Eros Shaw, a young Chinese Catholic Gay, created in the context of the Cornerstone* Eros Shaw project is a young Catholic LGBTQ+ in China, where he achieved a master's degree in theology, which tells in the book "Blessed Are Those who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics' Tales" (Blessed those who cry: Chinese Tongzi, Sird publisher, ...
My journey with LGBTQ+ Catholics in China
Testimony of Eros Shaw published in the book "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics' Tales" (Blessed are those who cry: tales of Catholics Chinese Tongzi) edited by Eros Shaw, Mark Larrimore and Michael Clifton, Sird publisher (Malaysia), 2022, pp.260-264. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project. This introductory text was conceived at the beginning of the design of ...
"Crossing a River by Stepping on Stones". Being an lgbtq+ catholic in china
Dialogue Between Alessandro Previti and Eros Shaw, A Young Gay Chinese Catholic, Carried Out Within The Framework of the Cornerstone Project* Eros Shaw is a Young Lgbtq+ Catholic in China, WHER HE OBTAINED A Master's Degree in Theology. In The Book Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics' Tales (Published by Sird, 2022), he ...
"Blessed are those who cry." Journey into the lives of LGBTI+ Chinese Catholics
A cura dei volontari de La Tenda di Gionata “Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics’ Tales” (Beati coloro che piangono: racconti di cattolici Tongzhi cinesi) curato da Eros Shaw, Mark Larrimore e Michael Clifton, edito in Malesia nel 2022, è un libro che offre uno sguardo inedito sulle esperienze dei cattolici LGBTQI+ cinesi. Il…
Why do a child get out, do Christian parents learn a new language?
Text by Bukola Landis-Aine taken from Relational Guide for Parents of Newly Out LGBTQ+ People (guide for Christian parents with LGBTQ+ children who have just come out)* edited by BT Harmand, published by Q Christian Fellowship ** (United States), pp.3-4. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project. No member of my family participated in ...