Cornerstone Project

For the inclusion of LGBT+ Christians and their families in churches

CORNERSTONES is the blog ofCornerstone Project, coordinated byLa Tenda di Gionata, which aims to collect and offer testimonies and reflections from many voices on the welcome of LGBT+ Christians and their families in our Christian communities (Catholic and Evangelical). What are the challenges, possibilities and ways in which it can be achieved? What problems does it pose and what possibilities does it open up? How theology and the study of the Bible can help us create cornerstones with which to build more inclusive Christian communities, so that “The stone that the builders rejected"become“corner head” (Luke 20:17-18)

  • Catholics LGBT+ A Hong Kong. If we talk, will we be listened to in the Catholic Church?

    Reflections by Yip Lai Shan*, published in the book "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics' Tales" (Blessed are those who cry: Tales of Catholics Chinese Tongzi) edited by Eros Shaw, Mark Larrimore and Michael Clifton, Sird publisher (Malaysia), 2022, pp.265-280. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project writing these reflections is not easy for me, because ...

  • "Cross a river walking on the stones." Be LGBT+ Catholics in China

    Dialogue by Alessandro Previti with Eros Shaw, a young Chinese Catholic Gay, created in the context of the Cornerstone* Eros Shaw project is a young Catholic LGBTQ+ in China, where he achieved a master's degree in theology, which tells in the book "Blessed Are Those who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics' Tales" (Blessed those who cry: Chinese Tongzi, Sird publisher, ...

  • My journey with LGBTQ+ Catholics in China

    Testimony of Eros Shaw published in the book "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics' Tales" (Blessed are those who cry: tales of Catholics Chinese Tongzi) edited by Eros Shaw, Mark Larrimore and Michael Clifton, Sird publisher (Malaysia), 2022, pp.260-264. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project. This introductory text was conceived at the beginning of the design of ...

  • "Crossing a River by Stepping on Stones". Being an lgbtq+ catholic in china

    Dialogue Between Alessandro Previti and Eros Shaw, A Young Gay Chinese Catholic, Carried Out Within The Framework of the Cornerstone Project* Eros Shaw is a Young Lgbtq+ Catholic in China, WHER HE OBTAINED A Master's Degree in Theology. In The Book Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics' Tales (Published by Sird, 2022), he ...

  • "Blessed are those who cry." Journey into the lives of LGBTI+ Chinese Catholics

    A cura dei volontari de La Tenda di Gionata “Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics’ Tales” (Beati coloro che piangono: racconti di cattolici Tongzhi cinesi) curato da Eros Shaw, Mark Larrimore e Michael Clifton, edito in Malesia nel 2022, è un libro che offre uno sguardo inedito sulle esperienze dei cattolici LGBTQI+ cinesi. Il…

  • Why do a child get out, do Christian parents learn a new language?

    Text by Bukola Landis-Aine taken from Relational Guide for Parents of Newly Out LGBTQ+ People (guide for Christian parents with LGBTQ+ children who have just come out)* edited by BT Harmand, published by Q Christian Fellowship ** (United States), pp.3-4. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project. No member of my family participated in ...