Cornerstone Project

For the inclusion of LGBT+ Christians and their families in churches

CORNERSTONES is the blog ofCornerstone Project, coordinated byLa Tenda di Gionata, which aims to collect and offer testimonies and reflections from many voices on the welcome of LGBT+ Christians and their families in our Christian communities (Catholic and Evangelical). What are the challenges, possibilities and ways in which it can be achieved? What problems does it pose and what possibilities does it open up? How theology and the study of the Bible can help us create cornerstones with which to build more inclusive Christian communities, so that “The stone that the builders rejected"become“corner head” (Luke 20:17-18)

  • Compassion is not enough, with transgender people it serves inclusion

    Text by Gene Robinson*, episcopal bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire (United States), taken from "Transgender Welcome: to Bishop Makes the case for Affirmation", published by the Center for American Progress, January 2016, freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project Many people of faith are ready to show compassion towards transgender people. They say: “Not ...

  • September 6, 2025 at the Santa di San Pietro Porta with the jubilee pilgrimage "De La Tenta di Gionata and the other associations"

    In September 2025, the LGBT+Christians, their family members and pastoral workers who accompany them will find themselves in Rome, to cross the Holy Door together in the Vatican together because faith is a journey that does not go through alone. Prayer has a different strength when we are together, when we cross a threshold side by ...

  • Stories of young Christians LGBT+ on the way to the retreat of Florence

    Marco is twenty -two years old, studies jurisprudence and lives in a city full of life and opportunities. But in his heart, he often feels alone. Raised in a Catholic family, he always believed in God, but the day he understood he was gay, everything became more complicated. He wondered if it were still ...

  • Corner stories stories of Christian parents in front of the coming out of the children

    Giovanni would never have imagined that he felt so displaced. A man of faith, raised with the idea that the family was the beating heart of his life, has always tried to be a father present. But when his son Marco, one evening in winter, told him in a trembling voice: "Dad, I'm gay", the world has ...

  • Christians should denounce anti-trans laws, don't write them

    Text by Adam Russell Taylor*, published on Sojourners ** (United States) on June 1, 2023. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project. The first time I met the reality of trans people was when I was 14 years old. I was traveling with my family in Asia and one of the last places where we were ...

  • James Alison: "A new theological approach for a global inclusion of LGBT+ people in Catholic communities"

    Intervention by the theologian and priest James Alison* held at "The streets of love", an international conference for a pastoral care with homosexual and trans people. (Rome, 3 October 2014), translated by Claudio Abate I would like to ask you to join me in the imagining participants of a family scene taken from the scriptures. The scene is of the acts of the apostles, chapter 10, ...