Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson: “My love letter to the transgender community”
Text by Gene Robinson*, Episcopal bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire (United States), taken from “Transgender Welcome: A Bishop Makes the Case for Affirmation“, published by the Center for American Progress, January 2016, pp.1-4, freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata Project
This text is a love letter dedicated to the transgender community, a sort of "thank you" and a warm "welcome". It comes from my personal experience and what I have learned – about sexuality, gender and myself – thanks to transgender people. It also comes from my belief that God is enriching our lives by bringing the insights of transgender people into our experience and understanding. This text is an attempt to recognize transgender people as a precious gift to our way of understanding God and his love.
God is doing something new, as he often is. And this time, it's something deeply personal.
One of the most striking things about the Gospel of John in the Scriptures is how the author begins by immediately telling us his conclusion: Jesus of Nazareth is indeed the Son of God, the long-awaited messiah, and the perfect revelation of God. Reading the Gospel of John is a bit like picking up a mystery novel and immediately going to read the last page. We start with the discovery of “who did it” and then go back to the beginning, page after page, to discover how the investigator arrives at that conclusion. Giovanni wants the reader to know immediately where he intends to go.
Likewise, I want the reader to understand from the beginning what I am getting at: that transgender people are children of God, worthy of respect, valuable in their perspectives, and a gift from God to our religious communities and secular cultures. Their experiences challenge normative ways of thinking about gender, call us to a broader understanding of gender beyond binary logic, and broaden our ability to appreciate the beauty in the diversity of God's creation. I argue that the visible presence of transgender people in the awareness of religious and secular communities is a gift from God, given for the benefit of all, and that our response must be one of affirmation, welcome and celebration.
My motivation
You may be wondering why a white, gay, Episcopal bishop finds himself supporting transgender people. In part, it's because Jesus—which, as a Christian, I believe is God's revelation—says that when we treat a marginalized or devalued person with contempt or compassion, it's as if we are treating Jesus and God that way.
In part, it's because transgender people are helping me better understand the undeserved privilege I've been given just because I'm cisgender (i.e. not transgender). But above all, I wholeheartedly support the full and joyful acceptance of transgender people because I know them and because they have improved my life.
Just as with gay and lesbian people, living authentically is the most powerful testimony a transgender person can give. This authenticity can be experienced openly, if they wish, in front of the whole world. However, the world is not always safe for transgender people, and for this, as well as other reasons, they may choose to experience their authenticity in a more reserved way. Whether public or private, authenticity is the goal and a reward in itself.
Two personal experiences
Two transgender women played an important role in my “upbringing.” The first—let's call her Joan to protect her privacy—was a person who transitioned within the community of one of New Hampshire's Episcopal parishes. Joan did something that, at least at the time, was not advisable: staying in the community where she had been known as another gender during her transition.
She was a successful lawyer, passionate about videography, and deeply attached to her friends and her parish. He didn't want to give up any of these connections as he navigated his journey. With his courage and openness, he led an entire parish, made up of adults and children, to share his experience. We have all benefited from his grace and generosity.
The second transgender person I got to know well—let's call her Jane—I met while working for LGBT rights and marriage equality in New Hampshire. What I remember most about Jane is her generous spirit and the powerful way she told her story. Born with a male gender, Jane had worked as a carpenter and building contractor.
However, unlike Joan, she faced a lot of resistance, anger and hostility in the work environment. Eventually, she quit her job as a carpenter, took an intensive truck driving course, and became a professional driver—like the woman she knew she was. His endurance and commitment to living authentically knew no bounds. She inspired me with her courage and integrity, and it was a privilege to call her a friend.
A path of revelation
During the Last Supper, in one of the most significant but often forgotten parts of the conversation with the disciples, Jesus says: “I still have many things to tell you, but for the moment you are not capable of carrying the burden. But when the Spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into all truth." (John 16:12-13).
This makes me think that God's revelation was not complete even at the end of Jesus' life. It seems that Jesus is telling his disciples, “Look! Over these last three years you have learned so much and changed in many ways. But there is still much to learn about God and God's will for humanity. It's just too much to take in all at once. And so, I will send the Holy Spirit, who will guide you into a fuller and deeper understanding of God's truth.”
The Spirit of God continues to guide humanity towards the truth, to the extent that we are able to welcome it. For centuries, many have used the Scriptures to justify slavery. Can we imagine that it was not the Spirit of God who guided us towards love and respect for all human beings, to the point of ending slavery? For generations, patriarchal churches and synagogues have used the Scriptures to justify the denigration and subjugation of women.
Today, the Spirit of God is leading us to a deeper understanding of the equality and dignity of every human being. For many Christians and Jews, this path has led to the acceptance and welcoming of gay, lesbian and bisexual people, recognizing them as children of God. Now, for many of us, that path is leading us towards affirmation, acceptance and celebration of transgender people.
This text is intended to be a support for people of faith during this journey.
* Gene Robinson (born May 29, 1947 in Lexington, Kentucky) was the first openly gay bishop in a stable relationship to be consecrated in a major Christian denomination, the Episcopal Church in the United States. Ordained bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire in 2003, his election sparked a global debate on the position of Christian churches on homosexuality, causing tensions in the Anglican Communion.
Robinson lived his faith as a tool for inclusion, passionately supporting the rights of LGBTQ+ people both in the Church and in society. Author of books such as “God Believes in Love”, recounted his personal and theological journey, underlining the importance of a welcoming Church. His legacy lies in the courage to affirm that everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, is a child of God, deserving of respect and dignity. His figure remains a symbol of openness and justice in the contemporary Church.
Original text: Transgender Welcome. A Bishop Makes the Case for Affirmation