Can you be Christian and evangelical, accepting one's homosexuality? Can the concept and vision of homosexuality as sin within our churches can be overcome? Experiences, insights and testimonies of people who want to continue to be children, brothers, and serve God in the same way, without having to repress and deny themselves and their desire to love, neither before God nor before men. If you want to contact us or tell your story, write us to
The pains of Lazzaro
Text of the Pastor Jene Havea*, published as "Lazarus Troubles" ** in Bible Trouble: Queer Reading at the Boundaries of Biblical Scholarship, [...]
Video> LGBT+ people and Christian communities: "Why does fishing mean to save?"
In this video interview with the Pastora and theologian Battista Anna Maffei, who from 2004 to 2010 was the first president [...]
Live fully. The joy of being a Christian queer
Testimony of Mihee Kim-Kort published on the Sojourners website (United States) on June 23, 2023, freely translated by Marcella [...] "Living [...]
The requests of Christians LGBTQ+ to the Adventist Church
Open Letter* of the Adventist Organization LGBTQ+ KINSHIP DA-CH ** sent to the managers of the Adventist Church of the seventh day of German language on 4 [...]
On homosexuality biblical texts must be read in their context
Open Letter* of the Adventist Organization LGBTQ+ KINSHIP DA-CH ** sent to the managers of the Adventist Church of the seventh day of German language on 4 [...]
In the Adventist Church we can no longer talk about LGBT+ people without listening to them!
Open Letter* of the Adventist Organization LGBTQ+ KINSHIP DA-CH ** Sent to the managers of the Adventist Church of the seventh day of German language the [...]
Is it time for the Adventist Church to welcome LGBTQ+people?
Open letter from the Adventist Organization LGBTQ+ KINSHIP DA-CH* sent to the managers of the Adventist Church of the seventh day of German language the [...]
As my father has reconciled his love for God and for his gay son. A jump in the dark
Article by Timothy White* published on the New York Times website (USA) on February 5, 2025, freely translated by Luigi and [...]
As my father he knew how to reconcile his love for God and for his gay son
Timothy White* article published on the New York Times website (USA) on February 5, 2025, freely translated from […]
February/May 2025 in Naples and online with the ecumenical initiative "Women who read the word"
The Valdese Church of Naples in collaboration with collaboration with the diocese of Naples organize the cycle of meetings "Women [...]