Davide group of Christian parents with LGBT children from Parma

“The group David of Parma is made up of couples of parents with homosexual children and homosexual people, as in a single family. We come together to listen to each other and express desires, hopes, sufferings, joys and fears to testify to others how this experience is not only a test, but also a gift."

18 May 2024 at Parma Pride a stand of Christian parents with LGBT+ children with Gionata's tent

. The third Parma Pride will be held in Parma on Saturday 18 May 2024 with the patronage of the Municipality, the University, the Emilia-Romagna Region and the National Association of Partisans of Italy - Section of…

8-10 March 2024 in Camaldoli a biblical journey for LGBT+ couples

The journey of popular reading of the Bible for LGBT+ couples continues, led by Paolo and Maria and Laura and Alberto of the Kairos group, parents of Florence and Michela and Corrado...

5 March/10 May 2024 in Parma with “Libri viandanti”

. Viandanti is an association of lay men and women that networks over thirty basic ecclesial realities throughout Italy. Libri Viandanti is the initiative that for the third year…

I went to Pride to see the happiness in my son's eyes

Reflections by Corrado Contini, Davide group of the 3VolteGenitori Network To those who ask me: “Why did you go to Pride (in Parma) on Saturday? How come? What were you hoping for?”, today I could answer in full…

17 June 2023 at the Parma Pride with Christian parents with LGBT+ children

. On Saturday 17 June 2023 in Parma as Christian parents of LGBT+ people, we will be present at the Parma Pride, from 9am to 8pm, with a gazebo at Parco 1° Maggio,…

The experience of a synodal church listening to believing parents with LGBT+ children

. Reflections by Michela and Corrado, Beatrice and Gianpiero, Mara and Agostino of the 3volteGenitori network “To be a synodal church that makes its way together with others, it is necessary to be willing…

What signs and wonders. In the diocese of Parma we discussed how to welcome "the coming out of LGBT children as believers"

Reflections by Corrado Contini of the Davide di Parma group and member of the 3VolteGenitori Network What an emotion on February 6, 2023! I think that for the Church of Parma it was really…

Lucky parents. LGBT children and Catholic families, the power of dialogue

Article published in the newspaper La Gazzetta di Parma on 7 February 2023, page 14 «We have the dream and the desire to believe that it is possible that the (Catholic) Church and…

Why do LGBT children make us “Lucky Parents”? A question that becomes a statement

Article by Raffaele Crispo and Elvis Ronzoni The presentation of the book was held on Monday 6 February 2023 at the Diocesan Pastoral Center of Parma in front of a large audience…

On February 6th the book “Genitori Fortunati” will be presented in the presence of the bishop of Parma

Article published in the newspaper La Gazzetta di Parma on 1 February 2023, page 12 How can those parents who encounter the homosexual reality of their sons and daughters call themselves lucky? As…