I am called to be trans and a believer. At the crossroads, I chose Love
Testimony* of Giona from the LGBT+ Young Christian Project
I was lucky enough to receive Baptism. And I don't call it luck in light of my current faith, but because I see the sacrament of Baptism as a soil that someone prepares for you, on which he sows the first seed that - if and when it suits you - you can cultivate.
Cultivate faith, a faith that I truly felt was mine, in which I was a pawn, albeit a small one, of His Project, entirely and detailed by Him. It helped me to accept myself in my atypical disabled body, to never feel truly alone, not even in difficulties, because aware that "Whoever knows me before" that I am, would never entrust me with a Cross that is too heavy for my shoulders. On the contrary, having great respect for myself, it gives me the opportunity every day to discover my potential through difficulties.
But, when I became aware of being a trans person, I would have preferred not to believe.
The first people I confided in tried to dissuade me, prefiguring for me a dark path, the one destined for all "deserters of Christ".
I felt guilty, even though I was aware that I was only continuing along the only path possible for me. And that Project? That wonderful and perfect body as His Work?
I felt pulled by the dichotomy between faith and trans identity, both arms of the same body: mine. I felt I had to give up on Him or myself, but I knew that either way, I would be lost.
"Let my streets get lost in the darkness and I walk where you would walk.” So I chose to continue straight, until I found a Strada Nuova, uphill, beyond the crossroads that I thought was inevitable.
Someone even referred to Psalm 139, one of my all-time favorites: “It is You who created me and wove me in my mother's womb. You made me like a Prodigy.” This exasperated attempt was – ironically – the answer I was looking for.
I am Jonah, like that prophet who was afraid, tried to run from what he was called to do, but didn't run far enough to escape it.
I am what I am called to be: trans and a believer. At the crossroads, I chose Love.
* Testimonial collected thanksas part of the “Born twice” project, with which the volunteers of Jonathan Project they want to tell the journey of faith of transgender people and their families. In May 2025, on the occasion of thePrayer vigils to overcome homotransbiphobia, some of these stories will be collected by Jonathan's tent in a free printed booklet that will tell the story of the faith journeys of transgender, Catholic and evangelical people, and their families in the various churches. A collection of testimonies with which we want to weave a bridge of knowledge between these two often distant worlds, to help break down walls and prejudices. To read the testimonies we have already collected click onhttps://www.gionata.org/tag/nati-due-volte/. If you want to add yours, write to tendedigionata@gmail.com Word of mouth