The Archbishop of Vienna Schönborn: "A mother will never refuse a blessing"
Interview with Cardinal Schönborn published on the portal of the weekly of the Archdiocese of Vienna Der Sonntag Aus Wien & Nö-Ust (Austria), on March 24, 2021, freely translated by Antonio De Caro
On March 15, a declaration of the Vatican Congregation for the doctrine of faith caused different opinions and controversial discussions. (The declaration) denies the possibility, by the Church (Catholic), to bless couples of the same sex. Even if this underlines (the document), it does not constitute a judgment on the person. Pope Francis gave his consent to the declaration.
In the Austrian Church since then there have been many critical reactions from faithful, theologians and organizations. Some parishes of the Archdiocese of Vienna have declared their solidarity with homosexual people, some pastoral workers have publicly rejected the Vatican declaration.
The editorial staff of Sonntag (editor's note the weekly of the Archdiocese of Vienna, Austria) sent Cardinal Christoph Schönborn to the Cardinal this letter invited to him by a reader to ask him questions and discuss it:
“All people are the same before God. Jesus dealt with all people in the same way. My son is also gay and happily married, he was a ministry and a Christian devotee for many years. Once again I am deeply disappointed by the Catholic Church. You shouldn't surprise yourself when many people say: "I have a good relationship with God, but I have big problems with the Church". I'm curious to know what your reaction will be. "
We asked our archbishop of Vienna: Cardinal Schönborn, what does this worried father say and this evidently religious family?
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn: From a very simple observation: many mothers bless their children. My mother still does it today. I don't go home without her bless me. A mother will not refuse the blessing even if her son or daughter have problems. On the contrary. And it is exactly the same in the case of this letter to the publisher, when the son reveals that he feels homosexual and capable of loving as homosexual. Parents, especially if they are believers, will not refuse to give this child or daughter their blessing.
I was not happy with this declaration of the congregation for the doctrine of faith. For this simple reason: the message that has crossed the media around the world was only a "no". A "no" to the blessing; And this is something that wounds many people intimately, as if they perceived and said: "Mother, have you no blessing for me? I am your son too. "
The Church is, as they are traditionally said, Mater et magistra, mother and teacher. He has to teach, but first of all he is a mother. And many homosexual people are particularly sensitive to this question: "Is the Church a mother for us?" And they remain children of God. And they also want to see the Church as a mother and that is why this declaration has affected many in a particularly painful way, because they have the feeling of being refused by the Church.
It has not emerged at all that even behind this problematic Roman declaration there may be a positive value: that is, the high consideration for the sacramental marriage, which has become almost a rarity in the world today. But that is something great and holy, the alliance of a man and a woman. A bond for life, promised and made before God, which can also generate children who are perceived as a gift from God.
Therefore, the legitimate concern of the congregation for the doctrine of faith is that a blessing ceremony does not create the impression that a sacramental marriage is being signed.
But this "yes" to the family must not be said as a "no" to all other forms. The Church has long been used to - it was a long and painful process - which is not the only voice that has a word to say about relationships. From the nineteenth century the state has recovered the sovereignty of the Church on marriage, and it is natural for us - also for the Church - that we get married first civilly before getting married in the church. Yet the civil conception of marriage as a contract is fundamentally different from the conception of sacramental marriage. We have been living together for a long time.
The question can be blessing the same sex couples belongs to the same category of demand if this is possible for people remarried or for unparalleled unions. And here my answer is relatively simple:
If the request for the blessing is not a show, so it is not just a sort of external ritual, if the request for the blessing is honest, it is precisely the request for the blessing of God for the life path that two people, in any condition they are , try to do, then this blessing will not be denied.
Even if, as a priest or bishop, I must say: 'You have not made everything ideal. But it is important that you live your path based on human virtues, without which no relationship can succeed '. And this deserves a blessing. If the right form of expression for this is a blessing ceremony of the Church, you have to think carefully.
Original text: Interview Mit Kardinal Schönborn Eine Mutter Wird Den Segen Nicht Verweignen