Let's meet at the 5th Italian Forum of LGBT Christians (5-7 October 2018)
The 5th Italian Forum of LGBT Christians , from Friday 5 to Sunday 7 October 2018, will meet again at the gates of Rome, in San Girolamo Emiliani Reception House of the Somaschi Fathers of Albano Laziale, over 170 Italian LGBT Christians, their parents and the pastoral workers (pastors and lay people) who accompany them, who will come from all over Italy to rediscover "what signs and wonders God performed through them” (Acts, 15, 12) and to help build in our Christian communities “bridges of welcome, listening and reconciliation".
The 2018 Forum will be marked by: six workshops thematic and experiential workshops; from the videoconference speech of the American Jesuit Father James Martin, author of “A bridge to build. A new relationship between the Church and LGBT people"(Marcianum Press, 2018); From a debate to multiple voices between a Catholic priest, an evangelical shepherd and a theologian on "faith and homosexuality"; from presentations of books and pastoral testimonies, from meetings made for young Christians LGBT, theirs parents and pastoral operators; With different moments of community prayer.
Many different moments will animate the 5th forum of Italian LGBT Christians to be more and more a moment when everyone (parents, LGBT Christians and pastoral workers) can meet, get to know each other and finally dialogue together.
Wherever you are waiting for you to share this "welcome bridge, listening and reconciliation"With all of us.
The men and women of the organizational committeeof the 5th Italian Christian Forum LGBT 2018
NOTICE: having reached the maximum capacity, the new inscriptions of the laity at the 2018 Forum They will be put on the waiting list until places are free, some places for shepherds and pastoral workers are still available.
How much it costs to register> Click here
The online registration form> Click here
How to get to the car/train/bus> Click here
For info> forumcristianilgbt@gmail.com
Tastings from the program of the 5th Italian forum of Christians LGBT (5-7 October 2018, Albano Laziale)
"What signs and wonders God has accomplished by means of them" (Acts, 15, 12)
Friday 5 October - Meet and get to know each other
- Experiential knowledge workshops for LGBT Christians, for their parents and pastoral workers (lay people and shepherds)
- Community moments of prayer and reflection on acts 15, 10-1;
- Sharing inclusive experiences of different Italian LGBT Christian realities.
Saturday 6 October - Confronting each other
- moments of community prayer;
- Testimonies of some inclusive paths in Italian Catholic and Evangelical communities with LGBT people and their parents;
- meeting-meeting assembly to multiple items on "faith and homosexuality";
- proposed workshops and workshops:
- Young Christians LGBT: how to reach who feels 'far' from the churches? (Reserved exclusively for young people until 35);
- "Listening to the diversity" conducted by Dr. Chiara Volpato Professor of Social Psychology at the Bicocca University of Milan and author of numerous essays on the topic;
- “Lazzaro come out! (Jn 11,1-45). The coming out as pro-vocation ";
- Catholic diocese: inclusive pastoral experiences;
- The human and spiritual path of the LGBT couples told by them and their parents;
- "When a Christian family comes out" conducted by Dr. Arianna Petilli, psychologist and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist author of a research on "Catholic Church and homosexuality";
- Bible and homosexuality.
Sunday 7 October - Building bridges
- Moments of Community prayer;
- Working groups to experience the construction of concrete bridges in listening and welcoming the other;
final ecumenical celebration*
* Sunday mass will be celebrated, after lunch, at 2.30 pm in the chapel of the San Girolamo Emilian reception house of the Somaschi Fathers.
Arrivals and welcome: from 14 to 16 on Friday 5 October and from 9-9.30 on Friday and Sunday.
Conclusion expected: Sunday 7 October at 2 pm.
Italian forum of Christians LGBT
Website: https://forumcristianilgbt.wordpress.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/forumcristianilgbt
Email: forumcristianilgbt@gmail.com
“We decided to go to LGBT Christian Forum Because we have noticed in our daily life and even more so in the parish field that homosexuality is a theme that is very talking about, especially in these months of political discussion about it. (..) Our presence at Forum It has therefore been oriented not by our experience but by the curiosity to know and come into contact with homosexual people who share our own faith, to know the concrete difficulties encountered and the wealth derived from being an LGBT person within the Church.
Anna and Pietro, educators in a Bolognese parish
(...) Without the need to launch in transweight delusions I just want to say that I don't really know what strength has prompted me to come to the forum, I don't know what strength pushed me to participate despite the heavy subterfuge of hiding, I don't know what strength has allowed me to staying, albeit lost, serenely together with many people, not my forces of course; I really don't know what that mother has guided to cross half the conference room to come and hug me. It is too easy for Christians to give a name to these dilemmas, but it is still something that I will not easily forget.
I am Sister Stefania, Dominican of the Union of S. Tommaso d'Aquino, (...). When they invited me to participate in the LGBT Christian Forum I was moved by Albano Laziale because I would not have dared to take the initiative to self-invite me. I accepted with intimate joy and I still don't know how to say the gratitude and great wealth that I have received and that I have heard circular, vital, among all of us.
The most intense experience was to feel me an integral part of a community where many were, all united by the desire to share thoughts, looks, friendship. A non -surface desire, because they are aware of labors, of things not said and suffered in solitude, of sadness for solidarity not offered at an appropriate time. (...) A particular memory to the parents present at the forum.Sister Stefania of Florence
"A strange feeling of normality. Accompanied by a sweet and pleasant perception of well -being. There is no doubt this is the first frame that returns to me by rewinding the tape of the three days of the Our forum in Albano. Seeing me seated in the large room where the community moments took place, during one of the prayers I looked around and was like an already experienced; He only missed that I wore my scout uniform and the picture would be complete. Like many times as a boy in the parish. A real return home, after a long journey, which in many respects has not yet finished. It had not been for the rainbow flag that enveloped the large table- altar and for our conscious awareness, one could safely think of finding ourselves one of the many ecclesial encounters that every weekend take place in our country. And in fact this was.
FilippoScout Agesci of Perugia