Inclusion in biblical history
Text by Gene Robinson*, Episcopal bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire (United States), taken from “Transgender Welcome: A Bishop Makes the Case for Affirmation“, Published by the Center for American Progress, January 2016, freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project
In the Jewish and Christian tradition there is a very clear trend: the history of faith is a story of growing inclusion. On many occasions, what was initially seen as "impure" or "unacceptable" was then recognized as an integral part of the people of God.
An emblematic example is that of the Eunuchi. In the Bible, the Eunuchi are men to whom the genitals have been removed, often to serve in the real courts. In many ancient texts, the eunuchs were excluded from the cult and full belonging to the community of faith.
However, in the prophets we find a radical turning point: Isaiah's book proclaims that Eunuchi will also be included in the people of God and will receive "a better name of children and daughters" (Isaia 56: 5).
This is a revolutionary passage, because it shows how God's love is greater than the social norms of the time.
In the same way, in the New Testament we find the episode of the UNUCH ETIOPE in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. This Eunuch, an official from the Queen of Ethiopia, is reading the Scriptures while traveling on his chariot.
The apostle Filippo meets him and explains the meaning of the messianic prophecies. The eunuch, hit by Jesus' message, asks: "Is there something that prevents me from being baptized?" Filippo, without hesitation, baptizes him immediately. (Acts 8: 26-40)
Why is it so significant? Because in a time when the eunuchs were considered "imperfect" and often excluded from full participation in religious life, the Gospel welcomes them without reservations.
The history of the UNUUCO Ethiopian clearly shows that the love of God knows no barriers and that every person has the right to be fully part of the community of faith.
If we read the Bible with this perspective, we can see how the same principle can be applied to transgender people today.
If in the past God has brought inclusion and reception to groups before marginalized, why shouldn't he do the same today for transgender people?
The history of faith is a story of love that widens more and more, and we are called to be part of this expansion of welcome and justice.
Jesus and the breakdown of the barriers
In the heart of the message of Jesus there is precisely this opening to marginalized people. Jesus has never been afraid to break the social rules when they excluded someone.
He touched the lepers, spoke to women in public, welcomed sinners, healed on Saturday. He has always put the value of the human person above religious traditions.
Jesus has never pronounced a single word against transgender people, because there was simply no concept of the genre at the time.
But if we look at his general attitude, we can clearly see that it was always on the side of the excluded, of those who were rejected by the society, of those who did not fall into the rigid schemes of the culture of the time.
If Jesus were here today, can we really imagine it aligned with those who discriminate and remove transgender people? Or do we see it rather embrace them, listen to them, affirm their value and dignity?
The answer is clear. The call of each Christian is to follow the example of Jesus, break down the walls and build communities where every person is loved and welcomed for what it is.
* Gene Robinson(born on May 29, 1947 in Lexington, Kentucky) was the first declaredly gay bishop and in a stable relationship to be consecrated in a great Christian denomination, the episcopal church of the United States. Ordained Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire in 2003, his election aroused a global debate on the position of Christian churches with respect to homosexuality, causing tensions in Anglican communion.
Robinson has experienced his faith as an inclusion tool, supporting with passion the rights of LGBTQ+ people both in the Church and in society. Author of books such as“God Believes in Love”, recounted his personal and theological journey, underlining the importance of a welcoming Church. His legacy lies in the courage to affirm that everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, is a child of God, deserving of respect and dignity. His figure remains a symbol of openness and justice in the contemporary Church.
Original text:Transgender Welcome. A Bishop Makes the Case for Affirmation