11 March 2025 Webinar “In or outside! Which Church excludes and what welcomes? "
Who decides who is inside and who remains outside?And above all: is there really a "outside"?
When it comes to ecclesial belonging, deep tensions emerge.Is the Church an institution with rigid rules or is it the people of God on the way?For some it is both, for others one excludes the other. And above all, what does it mean to be inside? Accept without discussing? Adapt? Or stay can also mean transforming, bringing uncomfortable questions, resisting? Perhaps the real question is not those who are inside or outside, but if we are willing to recognize each other as part of the same story.
But then,Are we really out or are there open doors that we choose not to cross?Sometimes the exclusion is imposed, other times it is the weight of the refusal that pushes us far. Still, the dialogue is done in two. Are there confrontation spaces that we don't see or do not want to live? Are there voices to which we don't give credit because we fear that we are injured again? Perhaps the question is not only those who keep us out, but alsoWhat steps we are willing to do to stay, to change, to build together.
Elisa Belotti,Paola LazzariniisSandra Letizia, Podcast authorsCristianə to whom? For a feminist and queer Christianity, help us focus these questions starting from an intersectional perspective, which intertwines gender, orientation and faith.Daniela Di Carlo, Pastora from Waldensian, brings the gaze of a Protestant tradition that has long faced the theme of inclusion, with an approach that for some Catholics is surprising, for others a point of reference.
What will we talk about?
- The Church: Institution or people of God?Two visions that often come into conflict.
- Inside/out: who decides?Exclusion and inclusion in history and in the present.
- For full citizenship in the Church: what space for LGBTQ+people, for women, for those who feel on the margins?
- The Church is not just for Catholics: ecumenical looks and the possibility of comparison.
- The monolith and the human: Change, stay, survive the time.
Do these questions touch you? Do they bother you? Make you hope?We talk about it online on Monday 11 March 2025, at 9:00 pm. The webinar is free, to register enough click here
We are waiting for you to reflect and discuss together.Inside and outside, but above all beyond.