March 14 in Florence and on April 4, 2025 in Rome Lent with the "Via Crucis of a gay boy" by Luigi Testa

"Mijn Queer Kruisweg»: The"Via Crucis of a gay boy»By Luigi Testa has been available, these days, also in Dutch, with the editor of the Jesuits in the Netherlands. It is the third translation, after the one in German and the one in English. And the text will be at the center of two initiatives, in two different cities - Florence and Rome -, in the next Lent.
Friday 14 March, to Florence, at the parish of Divine Providence (via Dino companion, 6), after the community prayer of the Way of the cross With texts taken from Luigi Testa's book, the author will propose a meditation on the passion of the Lord. The appointment is for 19.00.
Friday 4th April, on the other hand, a Rome, at the San Giuseppe parish in via Nomentana, a few steps from Porta Pia, at 7.30 pm, will discuss the book Isabella Bruckner, professor at the Pontifical University Sant'Ancelmo and author of the preface to the German edition, and Francesco Savino, vice president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, author of the preface of the text in Italian. Sergio Massironi, of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart will modify the meeting, and the author will be present.
As Cardinal Radcliffe writes in the preface to the English edition of the book, «In his via Crucis, Luigi's gift is to open us all to the deepest tenderness for the Lord, whom he wishes to embrace, kiss and caress».
Lent is time par excellence to live this intimacy, and, perhaps, Luigi's book will be able to help us.
> Read the biblical reflections of Luigi Testa published