March 24, 2025 in the parish in Montesilvano (Pescara) Meeting "accompany LGBTQ+people" with Chiara d'Urbano

Monday 24 March 2025, at 10.00, at the Teatro della Chiesa room of the Visitation of Maria in Pescara (via Ca Dalla Chiesa 40), the public meeting entitled: "Listen, welcome, accompany. LGBTQ+ people"With Dr. Chiara D'Urbano, psychologist and psychotherapist, consultant of the Dicastery for the clergy of the Holy See, who has been engaged for years in the formation and psychological accompaniment of priestly and consecrated life.
The meeting is aimed at priests, seminarians and all the people interested in the theme.
To moderate will be Don Valentino Iezzi, parish priest of the Blessed Virgin parish of Monte Carmelo di Montesilvano (Pescara) promoter of a path of inclusion and training aimed at LGBTQ+ people and their families.
The initiative is part of a pastoral journey that intends to encourage spaces of listening, dialogue and knowledge, To build a more conscious church It is welcoming to all people.
Blessed Virgin Parish of Mount Carmelo - Montesilvano (Pescara)