Tagged: Catechism and homosexuality

Catechism and homosexuality. Called to chastity?

A "reflection on the catechism of the Catholic Church and the homosexuality" of the south coordination of the groups: Zaccheo Puglia, Christians LGBT+ Calabria, Christians LGBT+ Sicily, fourth catechism of the Catholic Church, n.2359: homosexual people are called to chastity. Through the virtues of self -mastery, educators of inner freedom, through the support, sometimes, of a selfless friendship, with prayer and sacramental grace, can and must, ...

Catechism and homosexuality: an "inclination, objectively disordered"?

A "reflection on the catechism of the Catholic Church and the homosexuality" of the southern coordination of the groups: Zaccheo Puglia, Christians LGBT+ Calabria, Christians LGBT+ Sicily, part third catechism of the Catholic Church, n.2358: a not negligible number of men and women It has deeply rooted homosexual tendencies. This objectively disordered inclination constitutes a test for most of them. Therefore they must be welcomed with respect, compassion, ...

Catechism and homosexuality: Trends (CCC n.2357)

A "reflection on the catechism of the Catholic Church and the homosexuality" of the southern coordination of the groups: Zaccheo Puglia, Christians LGBT+ Calabria, Christians LGBT+ Sicily, part second catechism of the Catholic Church, n.2357: homosexuality designates the relationships between men or Women who feel a sexual, exclusive or predominant attraction towards people of the same sex. It manifests itself in very varied forms along the centuries and different cultures. There...

Catechism and homosexuality. This can be your story!

A "Reflection on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and homosexuality" by the Southern Coordination of the groups: Zaccheo Puglia, Christian LGBT+ Calabria, Christian LGBT+ Sicily, first part To you who read, this could be your story, the story of your neighbor from home, of a relative of yours, of a friend of yours or of your partner who for convenience we will call Andrea. Andrea is...