Tagged: Christians LGBT+ Sicily
Prende il via un’importante occasione di dialogo, riflessione e confronto per approfondire il rapporto tra la Bibbia e l’omosessualità. Il ciclo di tre incontri, promosso da Cristiani LGBT+ Sicilia, si svolgerà in presenza nella chiesa Crocifisso dei Miracoli (Catania, via Pantano 42) e sarà accessibile anche online. Per partecipare da remoto, è possibile richiedere il link scrivendo a cristianilgbtsicilia@gmail.com. Gli...
“Prophets of hope. A light in the world” is the third booklet created by the LGBT+ Christians group of Sicily after as many annual retreats for LGBT+ Christians, their parents and pastoral workers. In these pages, they write in the preface, "We want not only to share moments of growth and reflection, but also the dream that unites us: that of a Church...
Reflections of Eluana of the Christian group LGBT+ Sicily on May 10 of this year Ragusa saw the happy presence in his city of Teresa Forcades, a blessed nun, but also theologian, general practitioner and social activist. For two hours, the approximately 450 people of all ages present, many religious and religious, mothers, fathers and children, listened to the concepts ...
Saturday 11 May 2024, at 6.30 pm, prayer vigil for overcoming the homotransbiot Ragusa in the chapel of the House of Ignazian spirituality of the Holy Heart (Jesuits) in via del Sacro Cuore 46/a. Organized in collaboration with Agedo Ragusa and the Christian group LGBT+ of Sicily. Todos, Todos, Todos are welcome. > May 2024. The cities where it will be watched over ...
Testimony of Simona, mother of an LGBT+ person on the weekend in Sicily for Christians LGBT+, their parents and pastoral workers (8/10 September 2023) the meeting at home Tabor, on the slopes of Etna, in the beautiful natural frame of the forest At the foot of the volcano, I had waited for him since our boys have committed themselves to preparing it, and, I have to say, they have ...
A "Reflection on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and homosexuality" by the Southern Coordination of the groups: Zaccheo Puglia, Christian LGBT+ Calabria, Christian LGBT+ Sicily, first part To you who read, this could be your story, the story of your neighbor from home, of a relative of yours, of a friend of yours or of your partner who for convenience we will call Andrea. Andrea is...