Tagged: Zaccheo Network, Christians LGBT+ from Puglia

Zaccheo is the network of Apulian LGBT Christians. We are often injured sons and daughters, we come from various cities of Puglia but now we are not alone, but we are united by our small network to build reception strategies, so that the Gospel can be increasingly true and more concrete. Perhaps when human fragility will open all hearts to welcome and the other, perhaps there will be no need for Christian groups LGBT. Meanwhile, we want to build bridges, throw the nets off, far away, perhaps in the deepest abyss, in that darkness of our pain, where often the Lord makes himself felt. Do you want to join us? Write to us zaccheopuglia@gionata.org We will be happy to walk with you. Discover the path of the Zaccheo network in Web, up Instagram or Facebook

Come creator. When the spirit becomes singing and prophecy

Reflections by Fabio Trimigno of the Zaccheo network, Christian Queer of Puglia Veni, Creator Spiritus. The song of the Veni Creator (9th century), has resounded for centuries in the Liturgy of Pentecost and in the Christian assemblies as a prolonged invocation to the spirit. Rich in suggestive images, imbued with poetic strength and prophetic mission, the Veni Creator is still a great fresco today ...

Mater queer

Reflection by Fabio Trimigno of the Zaccheo network, Christian Queer of Puglia Mater Deum. It is said that Zeus to woo Alcmena tripled the duration of the night and, joining her with deception, generated a son. With the length of the time consumed to procreate it, Zeus announced the exceptional strength of the son who would be born. Alcmena gave birth and, fearing the jealousy of era ...

Screw in transition. Only now can I say I am myself

Testimony* by Cristina Lapedota di Speranza, Network of Transgender Christians and Zaccheo Puglia - Queer Christian Network I was baptized with the name of Nicola, but since I was a child I have never accepted that sex, nor heard of him: he did not belong to me! But then I did not understand the reality I lived well. Like all children I started attending ...

Fight, celebrate and transform into what you are

Testimonianza resa durante il Salento Pride 2024 da Carmine Taddeo de La Tenda di Gionata e del gruppo Zaccheo Puglia Per cosa lottare, cosa sogniamo di celebrare, cosa desideriamo trasformare? La nostra vita? La società intera? La nostra città? Noi stessi? Io sono una persona omosessuale. Non mi sono svegliato un giorno così, lo sono sempre stato. Non è questa...

Faggot, flaccid, ferocious and other cruel words

Reflections by Fabio Trimigno of the Zaccheo Network, LGBT+ Christians of Puglia We have heard violent words from the halls of the Vatican to cause wounds to the LGBT+ community. We have heard just as many cruel words outside the Vatican, from the most ferocious secular movements to attack the Catholic Church. There are those within the institution who wanted to report the words spoken by the Pope in a door-to-door meeting...

The scandalous resurrection of a Nazarene drag King

Reflections by Fabio Trimigno of the Zacchaeus Network, LGBT+ Christians from Puglia The cross does not save, wrote Robert E. Shore-Goss, and we continue to glorify the suffering of the Nazarene, as we glorify the suffering of transgender people and any other discriminated minority. The majority choose Barabbas, leading the Nazarene to his death. The same majority chooses to see humanity only from...