The book The "Via Crucis of a gay boy" also comes out in English

After the German version (Kreuzweg Eines Schwulen Jungen), the "via crucis of a gay boy" finally comes out in English, always with the publisher Castelvecchi, with the title "The via crucis of a gay man".
In addition to the introduction of Francesco Savino and the afterword by Sergio Massironi, the volume brings the preface by Timothy Radcliffe, former general general of the order of preachers (Dominicans) from 1992 to 2001.
In the text - anticipated in Italian by the newspaper Avvenire on June 20th - The English Dominican writes that the book "It is a gift for all those who feel alone, especially for their homosexuality".
The author - continues Radcliffe - "dare to come out and encourage all of us to do it, sure that the Lord loves us as we are, and that there is no afraid of light".