"We are all unique pieces" with the group for Christian parents with LGBT children of Abruzzo

The group we are all "pieces" unique for believing parents with LGBT+ children of Abruzzo. We meet online every month to share the richness of our experience, but also the difficulties if they present themselves.
We also want to help those who struggle to accept the condition of their child.
We want the pastoral accompaniment path of homosexual people and their families lead to discover how much blessing is in the condition you live.
Discovering together with simplicity that we are creatures of God and that we are asked to live our faith in the condition in which we are, because God has created us to love and live in fullness.
We got together because for now we are few to make separate groups, but we hope to grow quickly. Two priests, one of Montesilvano (Pescara) and one of Chieti accompany us on our way.
Contact person Giovanni Basciani: giovanni.basciani@gmail.com, cell. 3932162397