La Tenda di Gionata > English news

La Tenda di Gionata is an Italian Christian volunteer association, founded by volunteers of the Gionata Project who agreed to a proposal of the catholic priest David Esposito. Following his intention, we commit ourselves to the welcoming, training and knowledge of LGBT Christians, their families and pastoral workers, in dialogue with the various Christian communities.

Welcoming: we arrange pastoral events (spiritual retreats, community meetings, pilgrimages, etc.), open to all who are interested, to help LGBT people and their families feel welcome in their Church, but also to foster in our Christian communities listening and to get to know each other.

Training: We promote theological and pastoral learning, debate and updates on faith and homosexuality, giving voice to theologians and pastoral agents who study these issues, listening together to the experiences of people throughout their journey.

Knowledge: We publish documents in Italian that promote thought on these issues. We plan to print a publication every year (on paper or ebook) and to distribute it for free to Christian groups with whom we are in contact (the first one can be downloaded). We also want to collect and make known theological and pastoral experiences and documents on the inclusion of LGBT Christians and their families in local Churches around the world.


Transgender history. Roots of a revolution . Dialogue of Katya Parente with Susan Stryker A very interesting essay by Susan Stryker, professor emerita at the University of Arizona and author of the documentary "Screaming Queens:…

Pope Francis Tells LGBTQ+ Italian Group to Seek Church “That Excludes No One”

Andru Zodrow, New Ways Ministry (USA), September 30, 2022 Pope Francis recently met with a group of Italian LGBTQ+ advocates to discuss building a more inclusive church, telling them to…

VIDEO> Come and pray with us for the end of homophobia, transphobia and biphobia

[embed][/embed] . Since 2007, Christian communities and LGBT Christians around the world have come together on the 17th May to remember the victims of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, to overcome…

“Blessed Parents: Experiences of Catholic Parents with Lesbian and Gay Children” published in the United States

The Italian volume “Fortunate Parents” has been published in the United States under the title “Blessed Parents: Experiences of Catholic Parents with Lesbian and Gay Children”. The Italian version was…

LGBT+ Catholics Westminster Diocesan Synodal Pathway Listening Sessions

LGBT+ Catholics Westminster, November 6, 2021 Pope Francis has challenged the whole Catholic world to dream anew of what it means to be Church in a 21st century, post-pandemic world, through…

London’s LGBT+ Catholic community: “It only took 18 years to get asylum!”

Media  release LGBT+ Catholics Pastoral Council (UK), 16  september  2021 London's LGBT+ Catholic community which gathers at Mayfair's Farm Street Jesuit Church is rejoicing after an eighteen-year long fight to…

2021 Prayer vigils in remembrance of the victims of homo, trans and biphobia

Like every year since 2007, LGBT Christians and their families belonging to different Christian communities in Italy, Spain, Malta and Poland will be remembering the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia…

Prayer vigils IDAHOBIT 2021. Will you join us?

[embed][/embed] Like every year since 2007, over several days leading up to 17 May (International Day Against Homo-, Bi- and Transphobia, IDAHOBIT), LGBTQ+ Christians in Italy and Europe, along with…

“Out of love for the truth that resides in our hearts” Open letter to Pope Francis from Catholic parents of LGBT children Italian

Open letter to Pope Francis from the fathers and mothers of the 3VolteGenitori network, the Italian national network of Christian parents of LGBT children, dated 17th March 2021 Dear Pope…

No entrance controls for God’s blessing!

Reaction of the diocese the diocese of St.Gallen (Switzerland) leadership, written by Franz Kreissl*, pastoral director, to the published paper of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, denial…