Cornerstone Project

For the inclusion of LGBT+ Christians and their families in churches

CORNERSTONES is the blog ofCornerstone Project, coordinated byLa Tenda di Gionata, which aims to collect and offer testimonies and reflections from many voices on the welcome of LGBT+ Christians and their families in our Christian communities (Catholic and Evangelical). What are the challenges, possibilities and ways in which it can be achieved? What problems does it pose and what possibilities does it open up? How theology and the study of the Bible can help us create cornerstones with which to build more inclusive Christian communities, so that “The stone that the builders rejected"become“corner head” (Luke 20:17-18)

  • On April 5, 2025 in Florence with Vera Gheno to discover the "large language" to include the human

    Vera Gheno, linguist and author of "calling me like this: normality, diversity and all words in the middle" (the margin, 2023), is one of the main voices in Italy on language as a tool for social change. According to Gheno, language is not only a means of communication, but a form of power that can reflect or limit ...

  • With "Without Mulini" by Elisa Belotti to find out how to live Christianity in the world

    Dialogue of Katya Parente with Elisa Belotti is not the first time that Elisa Belotti is our guest. We met her on the occasion of the release of her "nothing to cure". Today he will talk to us about his new adventure, "Without Mulini". What is "without mills" and why this title? "Without Mulini" is a newsletter published on the Substack platform. It's a ...

  • Do you still need to commit to making the Catholic Church inclusive with LGBTQ+believers?

    Reflections by Matthias Altmann*, published in (Germany) on February 6, 2025. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project. In recent times, some statements (in the German Catholic Church) have let a certain disenchantment transpire. Three years have passed since the beginning of #Outinchrurch ** (to give visibility to the LGBTQ+Catholics,) and the representatives of the initiative admit that many of the ...

  • Because it is wrong to use the phrase "male and female created them" in gender disputes

    Articolo di Richard J. Clifford SJ* pubblicato sul sito di Outreach (USA) il 25 giugno 2023, liberamente tradotto da Diego de La Tenda di Gionata È comprensibile che ebrei e cristiani si rivolgano alla Bibbia per trovare risposte alle domande contemporanee. Spesso si rivolgono ai capitoli iniziali della Genesi, che raccontano come Dio creò il…

  • Do you see God's love within the lives of transgender people?

    Written text by Davíd E. Patiño, Ezra Fairley-Collins, Jude Johnson, Greyson Kentopp, Erica Saunders and Cole Williams in 2018/2019 for the Seminary Cohort transgender and published in The Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ (United States ). Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project. Like trans people, we know the love of God. The ...

  • Especially now transgender people need the support of churches

    Article published by Ursula Wollasch on the Catholic website Katholisch (Germany) on February 2, 2025. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project after the criticisms of the Anglican Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde to Donald Trump, the Conference of the United States Catholic bishops also expressed concerns on Some decisions of the President. However, in their declaration not ...