Cornerstone Project

For the inclusion of LGBT+ Christians and their families in churches

CORNERSTONES is the blog ofCornerstone Project, coordinated byLa Tenda di Gionata, which aims to collect and offer testimonies and reflections from many voices on the welcome of LGBT+ Christians and their families in our Christian communities (Catholic and Evangelical). What are the challenges, possibilities and ways in which it can be achieved? What problems does it pose and what possibilities does it open up? How theology and the study of the Bible can help us create cornerstones with which to build more inclusive Christian communities, so that “The stone that the builders rejected"become“corner head” (Luke 20:17-18)

  • "We cannot tell us Christians and support those who oppress others"

    Testo tratto dal sermone del pastore Episcopale Mark Bozzuti-Jones*, pronunciato nella Cattedrale di St. John the Divine di New York (Stati Uniti) il 22 marzo 2025. Liberamente tradotto dai volontari del Progetto Gionata «Non possiamo dirci cristiani e, allo stesso tempo, sostenere qualsiasi forma di oppressione. Che si tratti di schiavitù, razzismo, misoginia o xenofobia,…

  • The German bishop Schepers: "Attacks on LGBTQ people should arouse a Christian response!"

    Article adapted by an essay by Msgr. Ludger Schepers*, Auxiliary Bishop of Essen (Germany), published on the Outreach website (USA) on March 14, 2025, freely translated by Luigi and Valeria de La Tenda di Gionata. On January 20, 2025 Donald Trump took office for the second time as president of the United States. His speech ...

  • Video> LGBT+ people and Christian communities: "Why does fishing mean to save?"

    In this video interview with Pastora and theologian Battista Anna Maffei, who from 2004 to 2010 was the first president of the Woman of the Evangelical Christian Union of Italy (Ucebi), we asked to help us reflect on the welcome of LGBT+ people in Christian communities; to tell us when he found himself with his community to have concretely building this ...

  • Journey between LGBT+ Catholics in China: Father Joseph's mission between faith and exclusion

    Interview with Father Joseph, published in the book "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: Chinese Tongzhi Catholics' Tales" (Blessed are those who cry: Tales of Catholics Chinese Tongzi) edited by Eros Shaw, Mark Larrimore and Michael Clifton, Sird publisher (Malaysia), 2022, pp.336-344. Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata Josa Joseph project offers pastoral assistance (in China) to China Catholic Rainbow ...

  • The biblical stories of a Torah in transition

    Text by Joy Ladin* Published on LGBTQRELIGIOSOCHIARCIVES.ORG (United States). Freely translated by the volunteers of the Gionata project. For over two thousand years, the Jews have read the Torah (which refers to the five books of Moses who are part of the Jewish Bible, the Antico Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Levitic, Numbers and Deuteronomy), and every time they arrive at the end, ...

  • Video> “Dignity and responsibility. A path of liberation ”with Father Pino Piva and Gianni Geraci

    The cycle of meetings "The roads of love and homosexuality has ended. The last appointment, held on March 12, saw the participation of the Jesuit Father Pino Piva, author of dignity and responsibility. A journey ...